Self-help Groups

THP recognizes and honors those in the most extreme poverty — what some call the “ultrapoor” — as “People’s Researchers” — capable of analyzing the systemic causes of their poverty via Participatory Action Research (PAR) and creating strategies to overcome them. In each village, they form a GGS: Gono Gobeshona Shomity or Self-Help Group.

Foundation of the organization: Collective Thinking, Collective Strength

With time, different types of problems are always arising in life. We can divide these problems in two ways. Firstly, daily life related problems such as food, work, healthcare, education etc. Secondly, discriminatory laws, corruption, dowry, exploitation and deprivation etc. problems. A lot of these daily life problems can be solved by taking loans from GGS after accumulating the savings, and then taking initiatives for income generating activities.

But if the structural problems are not solved, the daily life problems will persist. Thus, the structural problems must be solved, which will help eradicating the daily life problems permanently. It is not easy for the primary organizations to solve the structural problems. That is why, there is no alternative to creating the organizations with a combination of men and women and developing these grass roots organizations on a larger scale. Because, it is possible to achieve success only by utilizing this united power to amend the laws by starting a movement and enact new laws, to pressurize the government for land reform, and to stop exploitation and corruption of those in power by applying the collective force. This is how the door will open to solve daily life and structural problems; to establish a poverty free society.

And these organizations will have to be developed only after practicing collective thinking step by step with the grassroots people. For this, the gradual process given below needs to be followed.

 Successive steps to create the organization:

First StepPriority based selection of village or community Individual communication and research on the importance of GGS formation 
Second StepWorkshop planning: Where? When? How many will attend? Who will bring who?
Third StepParticipatory Action Research Workshop
Society analysis and importance of GGS formation
Emphasis on discussion regarding loans and debt 
Fourth StepPrimary member selection and enlistment
Listing people who will be members
Fifth StepMeeting for GGS formation
By laws/Setting policies
Types of savings
Naming the GGS
Sixth StepDiscussion topics of the meeting
Participatory Action Research on various topics related to life 
Works on enhancing awareness and skill/Collective thinking
Discussing the policies of an ideal GGS
Giving ideas related to the necessary ledgers and registers to manage the GGS
Topic based research/Rights of the citizens

8 Principles of GGS Management

1. Member Management    Members over 18 years of ageMembers- minimum 20, maximum 50Same career and same social class
2. Formation of the Management Committee
7-13 Members
1 President and 1 Vice-president
1 Secretary and 1 Joint-secretary
1 Accountant
Member (remaining)
3. Savings managementRegular savings (Monthly/Quarterly/Weekly)
Save more money in good times, Increase the capital faster
4. Investment Management Invest in safe and profitable cases
5. Transparent Account Management
Members’ pass book
Resolution book
Ledger book
Maintaining personal pass book, Accounting, Savings,
Writing the decisions in the resolution books
Writing accounts in the Ledger book
Finalizing the accounts on monthly meetings
Keeping joint bank account
6. Leadership Development Creating interest in each member to take responsibilities
Skill achievement by every member to manage the GGS
Everyone’s participation in decision making
Changes in the duties at specific intervals
7. Annual MeetingAnnual General Meeting (AGM)-once a year
Total estimation of savings, investment and profit of the GGS
New management committee selection
8. Participatory Regular issue-based PAR meeting